Are religious schools legally required to become accredited?
Religious schools are not legally required to become accredited?
Is all accreditation equal?
No. All accreditation is not the same. Secular schools seek secular accreditation, and religious schools seek out religious or ecclesiastic accreditation.
What is the purpose of accreditation?
Accreditation has many purposes. Each accrediting group accredit for different reasons. Baptist International Accrediting Agency exists to help the Religious Colleges and Seminaries obtain accreditation that is not government affiliated.
Must a school be a certain size before seeking to become a member of BIAA?
No. Baptist International Accrediting Agency understands that even the most reputable colleges and universities started with only a few students. BIAA is concerned that regardless of number the students of an institution receive a quality education in a proper climate. Therefore, the size of a school is not a hindrance to accreditation!
How large must the school’s library be before it can become accredited?
While BIAA encourages every institution to have a vision for a library we do not reject a school on the basis of a faulty library alone. Most schools are located close enough to public, seminary, or university libraries that can be utilized while the school seeks to build its own library.
What is the initial cost of membership in Baptist International Accrediting Agency?
Costs vary due to the travel and lodging expenses that are involved. However, the average cost is normally around $2,000.00. A new candidate school must pay a $250.00 application fee at the time of application. This fee will be returned if the school, for any reason is turned down. The on-site fee inspection fee is $500.00. The school also pays one round-trip coach airfare from the BIAA home office, as well as one night of lodging; and two days of car rental. We arrange our own accommodations. We also seek to schedule schools in the same area jointly so that we may split the cost between the schools thus saving each of the schools money.
Do the benefits of membership justify the cost of accreditation?
Absolutely! Normally, one of the first questions a prospective student will ask a college, seminary, or school is, “Are You Accredited?” Students are seeking a quality education. Accreditation helps point them in the right direction.
Are there other tangible benefits of membership?
Yes. Baptist International Accrediting Agency provides seminars that help the school become acquainted with new ideas; new curriculums, legal action notifications that relate to Religious Education. BIAA is available twenty-four seven. If we cannot answer the telephone leave a message on the answering machine and we return your call as soon as possible.
Is an on-site visit critical for every school, even if they have been accredited in the past?
Yes. There are several reasons for this. Today, education is a profitable business. Therefore there are undesirable institutions. We cannot fully know how a school operates until we visit the school and see how they are operating. Accreditation without a personal visit is all but worthless.
Are accredited schools required to obey the laws of the land?”
Yes. BIAA members are encouraged to work within the bounds of the laws of the country or state where they live. In the event of an impasse in a legal situation, BIAA will remain loyal to its members. It is the School’s responsibility to fight its own legal case. However, BIAA will provide witnesses at no charge to our members, except for travel and lodging if a court case is necessary.
Do all member schools of BIAA accept credits from other members?
Yes. One of our requirements is that member schools accept credits from other members if they apply to enter their programs.
Do schools outside BIAA membership receive our credits?
Some schools, state governments, and industries may accept credits or courses taken in BIAA affiliated schools. However, BIAA makes no guarantee outside of its own membership.
Will BIAA provide member names and addresses to anyone who asks?
The complete BIAA membership mailing list is only provided to our membership. This list is not available to the general public.
Will BIAA recommend our college to potential students?
Yes. We recommend schools which have the program a student is looking for. In some cases we do take into consideration geographic location of the school, but sometimes this is not necessary.
Can a school be accredited who offers only correspondence courses?
Are BIAA Schools required to observe civil rights laws where they exit?
Yes, BIAA insists that our membership does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, creed or national origin.