Teachers Certification

BIAA also offers individual teachers certification. While this is not a requirement for the school to become a member, we do recommend that a school certify its teachers. This certification is not to be confused with State Teacher Certification. This is a vehicle to let our members know that a teacher is qualified in a certain field to teach subjects for our membership. We do not certify teachers that are not working for one of our members schools at the time they are certified.

The teacher must furnish a request letter from the member school, and a resume. They must also provide an official transcript of credits. If they have received a degree, a copy of the degree should also be submitted with the application.

Please only send copies, as they will not be returned.

The fee for teacher certification is $25.00 per year at all levels. The certificate must be renewed January 1 each year. The school or the individual teacher is responsible for the yearly renewal of  their teachers certificate.